Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sept 6th & 7th :What's a 900 Round? What's a FITA tournament?

Saturday:10:30 a.m. -11:30 am
(please arrive before 10:15)
outside weather permitting-check for our targets outside .
Orientation follows class. We must end at 11:30.

3:30 pm -4:30 pm 
(please arrive before 3:15)
outside/(or inside based on  rain/heat/weather)
Store closes at 5. MUST start at 3:30

 IF outside, students may shoot for distance.
-New students-arrive early to  get your gear and set up.

2014 State Target Tournament now scheduled Sept 20 & 21: registration 

Huntsville Archery 10th Annual Fall 900 Round Tournament September 13th & 14th. registration

Canton GA range
The weather this weekend is very unpredictable, so training emphasis will vary based on the weather conditions, and may vary between Saturday and Sunday.
Training: "In the crosshairs", will be reviewed both days.
Understanding "gap", and common errors resulting in left/right  or up/down arrows. This week we will go over some basic observation techniques, addressing gap shooting, and typical errors resulting in left/right or up/down shots. Looking at patterns of the arrow landing on the target.

As there are a couple of tournaments lined up this month, we will review 900 and FITA rounds.
Whats a 900 round? Coming up Sept 13 & 14th , Huntsville Archery Club
What’s a FITA round? (coming up Sept 20,21st-State Tournament

The 5 color (gold,red,blue,black,white) target is used for both and is scored 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Fundamentals of a FITA outdoor Round.
A FITA round in the sport of archery, is a form of target shooting competition used in international and world championship events, authorized by the Federation International de Tire a l’Arc (FITA) now known as World Archery Federation (WA ), the international governing body of archery.
 The 2 day event consists of 144 arrows, shot at 4 distances with 36 arrows at each distance and 1440 is a perfect score. In recurve, the distances for adult men are 90,70, 50,and 30 meters , and 70,60,50,30 meters for adult women. The two longer distances are shot on one day with a 122 cm face, and shorter distances shot a second day with an 80cm face. Check registration info for variations for different divisions, or, distance variations including compound. See tournament registrations for specifics.
(Also a FITA Round-of 72 arrows shot one day at one set distance, based on division and equipment.)

BareBow (Adult only)     Compound Fingers (Master only)
BOWMAN To the end of the year of 12th Birthday Male & Female 20-25-25-30 Meters
CUB To the end of the year of 14th Birthday Male & Female 20-30-40-50 Meters
CADET To the end of the year of 17th Birthday M 30-50-60-70 meters F 30-40-50-60 meters
JUNIOR To the end of the year of 20th Birthday M 30-50-70-90meters F 30-50-60-70meters
SENIOR Beginning the year of 21th Birthday M 30-50-70-90meters F 30-50-60-70meters
Master 50 Beginning the year of 50th Birthday M 30-50-60-70meters F 30-40-50-60meters
Master 60 Beginning the year of 60th Birthday M 30-50-60-70meters F 30-40-50-60meters
Master 70 Beginning the year of 70th Birthday M 30-50-60-70meters F 30-40-50-60meters

900 Round
For our program, seasoned archers with "red and better” at the furthest distance in their division, (noted above) or if using  their own arrows, may participate in a short version of a 900 round if weather permits outdoor shooting. We will be shooting a total of 36 arrows at 3 distances: 2 rounds of 6 arrows(total of 12) at each distance. We will be shooting YARDs not meters.
A 900 round is a common, short, 1 day tournament.

Fundamentals of a "900" round.
A  900 round distance is set in either meters or yards, so double check entry specifications when registering and for practicing.
The basics: 3 distances, based on age, shot at a 122cm face for all. Typically 5 ends of 6 arrows each distance, total 90 arrows, so a perfect score is 900.
Typical distances: (as in the 900 round shot in May 2014”when the Lights came on in GA
900 Round in METERS
CUBS & YOUNGER – 40, 30, 20 METERS
Yeoman to the end of the 10th Birthday 40-30-20 yards
BOWMAN To the end of the year of 12th Birthday 40-30-20 yards
CUB To the end of the year of 14th Birthday 40-30-20 yards
NOVICE (Genesis bow) To the end of the 18th Birthday 40-30-20 yards
CADET To the end of the year of 16th Birthday 60-50-40 yards
JUNIOR To the end of the year of 18th Birthday 60-50-40 yards
ADULT Beginning the year of 19th Birthday 60-50-40 yards
BAREBOW Beginning the year of 19th Birthday 50-40-30 yards
TRADITIONAL Beginning the year of 19th Birthday 50-40-30 yards

Or  Meters: As in Huntsville Archery Club shoot on Sept 13 & 14(see age divisions on their website)
Adult Compound Open and Recurve will shoot 60, 50, and 40 meters,
Adult Hunter Compound (fixed pins) will shoot 60, 50, and 40 meters,
 Adult Novice Compound and Recurve will shoot 40, 35, and 30 meters,
Adult Traditional will shoot 30, 25, and 20 meters,
 Young Traditional will shoot 25, 20, 15,
Teen Compound and Recurve will shoot 40, 30, and 20 meters,
  Youth Compound and Recurve will shoot 25, 20 and 15 meters,
 NASP/Genesis will shoot 25, 20, 15
Effective January 1 , 2014 per USA Archery.
As we are a USA Archery JOAD & SOAD club, any student participating in class needs minimum USA Archery “RECREATIONAL” membership ($15)
(Note: Although you can not earn rank at Recreational membership level when scoring, you can upgrade during your membership year if desired).
What distance for pins? What scores are needed for each rank?
(JOAD =Youth program)
Indoor JOAD Scoring Matrix
Outdoor JOAD Scoring Matrix
Indoor Adult Achievement Scoring Matrix
Outdoor Adult Achievement Scoring Matrix

To participate , Please reply with the time selected, RH LH, and name in the subject line. and if adult or youth via  if you have not already done so, for equipment and staff considerations.

Please arrive  early to gear up, and
sign in. Begin to know your distances and target face size by putting them on the appropriate target. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Coach supervised training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment. Continuing, ongoing instruction , accommodating various skill levels, covering: refining form, understanding equipment needs, equipment purchasing options, tournament rules, timing, string alignment, concentration, back tension.
-Class fee for open sessions as posted at the Canton location is $15.00, check or cash.
-Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
-Wear snug fitting, layered clothing, light colors in summer, a belt needed if wearing a dress and using program equipment( must have closed toe shoes for out doors or can not shoot), tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).

-New students-arrive early to  get your gear and set up.
Select a bow that has no sight, and "claim it" by adding a sight.


See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery

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