Friday, July 26, 2013

July 27, 28: "Knock Out" games + Develop a Plan

Check around back range from parking lot to see if targets are set up for outdoor rounds. If not set up, we will be indoors.
Saturday,  July 27, Check around back, morning predictions say weather may be clear!

    Please arrive no later than 10:15 to gear up and check in
Sunday July 28- check around back , afternoon predicted to be clear
Please arrive no later than 3:15 for check in. Store closes at 5

NOTE: JOAD SOAD Renewal time for mid year members!!

Membership Application Link

Archery Class Training:
Knock out, as a warm up game
Develop a plan: Preparing for upcoming State Championships, distance shooting if outdoors

At the Canton range
Please arrive a few minutes early to gear up and check in.


A warm-up game testing nerves and skill. 3 arrows.

First round: red and better are kept . Red scored arrows are kept to shoot for the next round.

Next round "8" and better are kept (arrows are getting down to one or two in a quiver , and usually only a few competitors are still standing.)

Down to Gold!!!...with what's left in your quiver!
(those Knocked-out, may begin distance, form practice, or scoring)
Finally- anyone left? Going for the 10 ring!!

"Have a Plan" Preparing for an event.
The Georgia State Championships are scheduled for September 21 and 22. Only 9 weeks away.
For students that plan to attend a tournament, remember the best way to achieve progress in your shooting is to practice good form at set periods throughout the week, and increase duration and frequency. The Korean champions trained with NO bow for months, adding the bow only when the form was right. Gain form with stretch band work in front of a mirror. Get the form FIRST with stretch and string band work, planks, and core work.

Develop the endurance .The Championship is a 2 day event, shooting 36 arrows twice a day, each day(plus warm-up arrows).  If you have your own equipment, work on “holding” SPT’s(in front of the mirror also). Do only those SPTS‘s you can accomplish in perfect form.Be comfortable with 100 arrows a day to avoid fatigue.

Start your plan from the event, and work backwards with a written schedule.

Write down goals in the process that you which to achieve. Evaluate your equipment and acquire what you need well before the event so you are familiar with it, and can make adjustments.


To participate , Please reply with the NAME ,day , time selected and RH LH in the subject line. and if adult or youth via  if you have not already done so, for equipment and staff considerations.

Please arrive a few minutes early to gear up, and sign in. Begin to know your distances and target face size by putting them on the appropriate target. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Coach supervised training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment. Continuing, ongoing instruction , accommodating various skill levels, covering: refining form, understanding equipment needs, equipment purchasing options, tournament rules, timing, string alignment, concentration, back tension.

Class fee for open sessions as posted at the Canton location is $15.00, check or cash

Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
Wear snug fitting, layered clothing,
( must have closed toe shoes for out doors or can not shoot), tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).


See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery

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