Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dec 6& 7 Balloon Shoot & Knock-Out games

Saturday:10:30 a.m. -11:30 am; INSIDE
(please arrive before 10:15)
Class ends at 11:30- orientation follows

Sunday; 3:30 pm -4:30 pm INSIDE
(please arrive BY 3:15)
reminder-Store closes at 5.

At the Canton range
In this message:
*Class plans: "Balloon Shoot; Knock-out Games"

*Next weekend is last session for year due to store special events
*Next Tournament Dec 6, Conyers
* JOAD renewal time for end of year members

Parents, please share the class plan info with your students!!
-New students-arrive early to  get your gear and set up.
Select a bow that has no sight, and "claim" it by adding a sight

Reminder- Last classes for 2014 will be Dec 13 & 14 as store has December Holiday events planned.

Upcoming Tournament

Saturday December 6th :
GAA  25 meter indoor FITA
60 ARROWS. 25 meters
Parker Road Recreation Center
1400 Parker Road,
Conyers, Ga. 30094

The December 6 tournament is a great opportunity to get some experience and prep before the
State and National Indoor championships coming February of 2015.

Class plans: Balloon Shoot & Knock Out Games! 3 arrows
This week, we will have the balloon shoot game along with the "Knock-out" game. Everyone, please stretch out, get your gear set up, and select 1 balloon to blow up and put in the big bag with your symbol or initial.
We will have a few warm up rounds of "knock-out" and start the games.

Strategy and skill as a warm up game...3 arrows.
First round: red and better scored arrows are kept to shoot for the next round.
Next round "8" and better scored arrows are kept (arrows are getting down to one or two in a quiver ,and usually only one or two competitors are still standing.)

Down to Gold!!!(with what's left in your quiver)
(those Knocked-out, may begin practice for the balloon games, or scoring)

Balloon Shoot:
The idea is shoot YOUR balloon first, before your competitor pops theirs.
Once you have shot yours,  you shoot for theirs.
If you shoot theirs first accidentally-they win and they move to the next round . You are out a round,  but can restart shooting with others independent of the 1st game, to create an underlying game.
Strategy is important.
Timing is important.
This is a training game for handling nerves, and gaining focus. Use the skills we've trained for in these games!!

Please arrive a few minutes early to gear up and check in.
To participate , Please reply with the day and time selected in the subject line. and your name, right or left handed, and if adult or youth via if you have not already done so, so we have enough equipment and staff available 

 NOTE: JOAD SOAD Renewal time for end of year members!!
Membership Application Link
Need LA waivers with membership application

Learn Archery waivers

Team Shirts
We have had many students requesting team shirts. Team shirts are particularly great for the tournaments. Many have ordered them . A few extras with embroidered logo have also been ordered. Let me know if you are interested. 
USA Archery memberships overview:
Any student participating in class needs minimum USA Archery “RECREATIONAL” membership ($15) USA Archery  Membership Application
(Choose LEARN ARCHERY as your club affiliation)
JOAD (youth) or SOAD (adult) programs require USA Archery Full youth $35, OR adult $50 at the USA Archery website) membership, plus Learn Archery Club membership ($15) to earn pins and rank.Links below)
USA Archery JOAD/SOAD Membership Application
 Learn Archery JOAD/SOAD membership application
Print your USA Archery membership card and bring it to class


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