Thursday, December 12, 2013

Dec 14/15: Quadrant Training, Patterns

Parents, please share this info with your students!!
Saturday & Sunday Dec 14/15, Canton GA range

    Saturday: Please arrive no later than 10:15 to gear up and check in
   Sunday: Please arrive no later than 3:15 to gear up and check in. Store closes at 5, and we must be packed up and out!

We had several students attend the FITA tournament is in Conyers last weekend, and all placed well in the competition! 
Next tournaments will be held in Snellville Feb 21-23.
This Saturday ,Dec  14, is also an "Orientation" Training day. We will be ending class promptly at 11:30 to set up.

Last week we worked on several mental imagery training techniques , mimetic training, and focus training. If you can visualize your "perfect" shot, and shot sequence, your game will improve, your nerves will settle, and your timing will be more consistent.
You should be able to close your eyes, and visualize that perfect shot, and reach a level that the imagery is so ingrained that you are able to be in a busy environment (grocery store, etc) turn your head toward your imaginary target, and while keeping your arms and body still, mentally go through your shot sequence, performing the steps and seeing the arrow hit the gold.
Often the equipment and nerves  issues can be mastered with a break and mental imagery tuning before returning to the shooting line.

TRAINING: Quadrant Training
To aid your mental imagery, we can identify ways to tune the form up by seeing the arrow patterns on blank targets with blue tape that sections the target.


Patterns Quadrant training:
After warming up with a few rounds to get sighted in, we will remove target faces, and work on specific training with "blue tape".

Where are your arrows landing? What quadrant? As you shoot , focus on process, and you will see the patterns of arrows and how they reveal what to adjust in equipment or form. I will have sheets for you to record patterns over a few ends.
Eqpt Training Tip:
Numbering arrows, shooting them in order. Use of this process gives indications as to arrow errors, or form errors, and shows up in the patterns. Easier with your own set of arrows because you begin to notice groups forming within the dozen arrows you shoot, but  effective with the program arrows. Shoot 1,2,3,4,5,6 then 6,5,4,3,2,1
Example: If #6 is always out no matter which sequence you shoot, it is not you.
Arrow nocks can be off just a hair and cause variations.
If the last arrow shot is always out-you may be showing fatigue.


To participate , Please reply with the time selected, RH LH, and name in the subject line. and if adult or youth via  if you have not already done so, for equipment and staff considerations.Please arrive  early to gear up, and sign in. Begin to know your distances and target face size by putting them on the appropriate target. This one hour class allows students to gear up & continue with training basics in safety and form .Coach supervised training includes recurve bow and all safety equipment. Continuing, ongoing instruction , accommodating various skill levels, covering: refining form, understanding equipment needs, equipment purchasing options, tournament rules, timing, string alignment, concentration, back tension.

-Class fee for open sessions as posted at the Canton location is $15.00, check or cash.
-Put your sight on the bow to learn where it is set based on the distance you shoot, and check the left/ right position of the aperture.
-Wear snug fitting, layered clothing, ( must have closed toe shoes for out doors or can not shoot), tie loose hair back, and remove jewelry that may interfere with string release (usually bracelets, necklaces).

See you on the range!
Coach Jefflyne Potter
US Archery Level 3 N.T.S.Coach
Learn Archery;Atlanta Archery

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