Saturday, August 4, 2012

July26 "Train like an Olympian"

Last week we had "competitions" with the balloon shoot game along with the "knock-out" game, and, JOAD Achievement awards were given during class from the previous weeks scoring rounds.
It was a tough competition, as the final balloon was not taken-it was so small that many of our shooters tried, and it remained on target-intact!

The games, soda rounds, and monthly scoring- all are designed to look at training in
different ways. Changing the focus from "gold", to colors, or even balloons, resets the thinking, reminding us to always keep focusing on the form, the next step.
Several typical training techniques at Olympic Training camps involve repetitive
practice routines.
In many sports, training is built one element upon the next...a "chunk" training. Whether it's karate,basketball, boxing or football, certain movements or activities occur repeatedly while executing the sport, and those elements are broken down and given as a single piece to add into the whole process. This Sunday, we will break down several elements and
practice those "parts".

Keep up with the games:
And on google
For training on the 26th, we split into rotating groups and worked on several training techniques, just like athletes use to train at the training camps, including the SPT timed draw and hold, blank bale shooting, and understanding "holding" with pressure points.

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